Sunday, June 26, 2011

to never have an empty bucket

I've been thinking this weekend about my last item, #10 on the Miller Bucket List....  "to never let my bucket list be "empty" and to remember a friend's sage advice, "you cannot kick a full bucket."  It is amazing to me that I've been able to finally make some good progress, as of late, with attaining a few of the goals I set out to do.

The #1 goal was to ride the Bike Across Kansas-now to be known as "to ride my bike half-way across Kansas."  (LOL)  That one is now crossed off! 

 Power parachuting, goal #2, will hopefully be done before the next couple of weeks have passed.  Still looking for a volunteer who would like to go with me and do it.  Haven't had a whole lot of "takers" on that.

  Just two days ago, I began the steps necessary to attain goal #4, learning some basic swimming skills and by the end of July, I hope to have finished with that.  And who knows?  I may have enjoyed that goal so much that I go back for another lesson or two.  Hey, IT could happen!

 I find myself half-way through with goal #5, to see a beautiful sunrise and sunset.  Still just looking for the perfect sunset!  By the way, someone asked me how I would be able to know that it was the "right" sunrise or sunset.  My answer was, "I'll know!"

  Oh, and don't want to forget goal #7, "to ride on the back of a motorcycle very fast and live to tell about it."  I am blessed with a very good friend who has "volunteered" her wonderful husband to help me out with that one.  I'm imagining that will happen soon as well.  Don't worry about me on that one, ok?  I have no intentions of joining a motorcycle gang or letting "Born to Be Wild" become my life's theme song!  It's just the foolish wish of a 55 year old woman.  (LOL)

The list still has 4 "wishes" that haven't happened yet, but I am still working on them and know that somehow I will make them a reality.  The rains must come for canoeing down the Ark River. Maybe there will be a chance for that one in the early fall.  Another "Indian summer" journey, some Saturday afternoon, might be waiting for me then.  I'm not giving up on that one.

 I'm only about a quarter of the way to meeting all of my FB friends in person, buying them something to drink and talking about the meaning of life.  It has been a lot of fun to meet with people and talk about nothing serious at all.  The good folks down at Bogeys, here in Hutch, have stopped being surprised to see me coming in with a new person or two.  In fact one of them remarked to me last week, "Working on your bucket list today?"  

 I still have yet to connect with family members all across the U.S., however, thanks to my nephew and his wife, Scott and Lisa Wright, I will finally get to see my sister, Kaye Wright, at the end of the month of July.  They are making the very long trek from Sarasota, Florida to Hutchinson, Kansas to see us for the first time since 1988.

 And last, but never least, my dream to visit the state of Maine and see a lighthouse is still out there on the horizon.  But I will go!  You know, I attribute this "wish" of mine to reading the story, "Sarah, Plain and Tall".  Those of you who know the story will understand what I'm saying here.  And believe me, Peggy Miller is NOT a traveler.  So I'm probably going to have to add another item to the bucket list that says "to get over the fear of flying"!

By August 1st, I'll be adding these 3 new Bucket List items.  They are ones that I have been thinking about but wasn't quite "there" yet....

"to be able to drive a stick shift vehicle" 
 -Oh boy, I can just see the hands going up now saying "pick me to help you, pick me to help you!" 

"to learn how to be more forgiving of myself"

"to learn how to sew something"

One parting thought.....I didn't consider just what an impact upon my life working through the Bucket List would have.  For that matter, the impact it COULD have upon the lives of others.

  Of necessity, going on the BAK "forced" me to get out and ride a lot of miles.  Between March 15 and  today, June 26, I've ridden almost 1,200 miles.  I'm healthier and happier because of it.  Many friends have now purchased a bike and they too are out there riding and enjoying the outdoors.  

Because I had the courage to finally  open the doors of the YMCA, I now have a new friend, Cleta Ellington.  We would NEVER had met if not for the "anonymous" encouragement of another friend.  And bless the heart of the Aquatic Director of the "Y", Laurie Carr, she would have never had the chance to teach ME!  (lol) 

And maybe the nicest result, to me at least, is the number of people who have come to me after reading the blog and saying, "Wow, I've always wanted to do ____________________ (fill in the blank with your own secret wish) and I think I'll try to do it now!"

Dear friends...some things bear repeating again and again, so I say to you ALL:  We were all placed here, in this time and place, for a very good reason.  Think about the tremendous impact that you can have upon others today.  I'll be thinking of you all and remembering that everything that happens to each of us this day is all just a part of "the plan."   :)

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