Monday, June 20, 2011

To learn how to swim well enough to save my own life

I've just come back from the local YMCA where I am sure I must have met a "miracle worker" and her name is Laurie.  And if she is indeed a miracle worker, then by the end of July, perhaps Bucket List Item #4 will be finally taken care of.

You might recall that on Saturday I received this "mysteriously anonymous" letter from the local "Y" with an application inside for private adult swim lessons.  There was even this handwritten note at the top saying "Bucket List #4-You can do it!"  More surprising to me than receiving it in the mail was the fact that I filled out the application and returned it to the "Y" in less than an hour's time.  Where did THAT courage come from?

Today I went up to arrange for an instructor and to confirm the lesson times.  That's where Laurie comes in as she will be my teacher.  She was very kind to me and listened while I explained every single fear on earth that I have about this whole deal.  The thing I liked most about her was the fact that she is obviously a very caring person and a real plus on her side is that I'm not the FIRST person she ever taught to swim.  (LOL)  Laurie has LOTS of experience and patience so I should be in very good  and capable hands.

Initially, I thought my lessons might have to wait to begin until July.  But today, we decided to go ahead to start the first one this Friday at 11:15.  I found a swimsuit at Wal easy thing.  Little else to do now except wait until Friday and then see what happens.  It's not like I can practice beforehand or anything.....and I certainly don't need to practice the "being scared" part-I'm a natural with that one!

While I was waiting, I happened to take a quick glance into the pool area where I will be (gulp) learning to swim.  It was FILLED with folks whose ages range from 70 years old and up.  All of them were in the pool for water exercise and they were having a great time.  Not one person had a look of panic on their face that said, "Man, hope I don't drown in here!"  For me, it was helpful to view that kind of a sight.  If those guys could do this, then why not me?  And some of them, I learned later, don't know how to swim either.  But that wasn't stopping them from getting into the water and having some fun.

One parting thought........ as I was leaving I handed my completed application to one of the ladies behind the desk so she could enter it into the computer.  She began to laugh as she showed the application to another lady sitting beside her. 

 "Bucket List Item #4", I heard her tell the other person.  That woman, named Cleta, looked at me and said, "That's my writing."  Before I could even open up my mouth to say the word "Who", she looked at me and said, "I'm not telling you who did it."  She went on to say this, "Whoever did that for you really cared enough about you to give you this chance.  I know that you'll do fine."  So guys if you ever need a "secret" to be kept by someone, I'd be looking Cleta up to help you out.    Her "lips are sealed!"

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